
Download from BaseSpace


Purpose:This short tutorial will show you how to download MiSeq sequencing data from Illumina BaseSpace.
Author:Wirat Pipatpongpinyo
Date:July 6, 2020

Step-by-step guide to download your sequence data from BaseSpace


1. You will receive two invitation emails from basespace-noreply@illumina.com for the transfer of ownership to you, one for the sequencing run and another for the project. To be able to fully access the data, you must accept both invitations.


2. Once you click the link (Click here to accept this transfer of ownership) in one of the invitation emails, you will be taken to the Illumina BaseSpace website, where you can log in to your account.


3. After you have logged in, BaseSpace will bring you to the DASHBOARD tab. Click Accept in both boxes to take the ownership of both the run and project.


4. Once transfer is accepted,
click on the name of the run.


5. Under the SUMMARY tab, click Download.


6. The Download Run screen will pop up.
If this is the first time you download from BaseSpace, you will need to install the downloader software: click Install the BaseSpace Sequence Hub Downloader.


7. After the BaseSpace downloader has been
installed, select FASTQ as the file type,
and click Download.


8. The Confirm Download screen will pop up, where
you can select a directory to download the files
into. In this case, the files will be stored at
C:\BaseSpace. Click START DOWNLOAD.