
MCBL servers and computing resources


Server Processors Cores Memory Local Disk
mcic-ender-svr four 2.40GHz ten-core Intel® Xeon processors E7-4870 40 1.0 TB 16TB
mcic-ender-svr2 four 2.00GHz ten-core Intel® Xeon processors E7-4850 40 1.2 TB 10TB
mcic-ent-srvr two 2.67GHz six-core Intel® Xeon processors X7542 12 250GB 2.0TB


Workstation Processors Cores Memory Local Disk
mcic-galaxy-srvr two 3.47GHz six-core Intel® Xeon processors X5690 12 94 GB 2.6 TB
mcic-mac-srvr two 2.93GHz six-core Intel® Xeon processors X5670 12 64 GB 4.0 TB


Desktop Processors Cores Memory Local Disk
mcic-sel019-d1 one 3.00GHz four-core Intel® Xeon processors i7-4578U 7 32 GB 1.0 TB
mcic-sel019-d2 one 3.00GHz four-core Intel® Xeon processors i7-4578U 7 32 GB 1.0 TB
mcic-sel019-d3 one 3.00GHz four-core Intel® Xeon processors i7-4578U 7 32 GB 1.0 TB
mcic-sel019-d4 one 3.00GHz four-core Intel® Xeon processors i7-4578U 7 32 GB 1.0 TB
mcic-sel019-d5 one 3.00GHz four-core Intel® Xeon processors i7-4578U 7 32 GB 1.0 TB
mcic-sel019-d6 one 3.00GHz four-core Intel® Xeon processors i7-4578U 7 32 GB 1.0 TB
mcic-sel019-d7 one 3.00GHz four-core Intel® Xeon processors i7-4578U 7 32 GB 1.0 TB


The following bioinformatics software are availabe through the MCBL. Please contact Jelmer Poelstra for details on availability of the software.

Commercial Software

Application Version Description
CLCBio Workbench 8.5.1 A comprehensive and user-friendly analysis package for analyzing comparing and visualizing next generation sequencing data
Blast2GO Pro Pro A complete framework for functional annotation and analysis

Open Source Software

Application Version Description Module Name
Bowtie 1.1.0/2-2.2.3 An ultrafast and memory-efficient tool for aligning sequencing reads to long reference sequences Bowtie-<version>
Cd-hit 4.6.1 A very widely used program for clustering and comparing protein or nucleotide sequences cd-hit-v<version>
Cutadapt 1.4.2/1.8.1 Removes adapter sequences from high-throughput sequencing data Cutadapt/<version>
Exonerate 2.2.0 A generic tool for pairwise sequence comparison Exonerate/<version>
Express 1.5.1 eXpress is a streaming tool for quantifying the abundances of a set of target sequences from sampled subsequences express-<version>
Fastqc 1.5.1 Aims to provide a simple way to do some quality control checks on raw sequence data coming from high throughput sequencing pipelines Fastqc-<version>
GenomeAnalysisTK 3.2-2 GATK tools for error modeling data compression and variant calling GenomeAnalysisTK-<version>
Maker 2.31.8 MAKER is a portable and easily configurable genome annotation pipeline. Maker/<version>
Mothur 1.33/1.35 Tool for analyzing 16S rRNA gene sequences. Mothur-<version>
Mummer 3.23 A system for rapidly aligning entire genomes whether in complete or draft form. Mummer/<version>
Pandaseq 2.8 A program to align Illumina reads optionally with PCR primers embedded in the sequence and reconstruct an overlapping sequence. Pandaseq/<version>
Qiime 1.8 A program for comparison and analysis of microbial communities primarily based on high-throughput amplicon sequencing data. Qiime-<version>
Rsem 1.2.16 A software package for estimating gene and isoform expression levels from RNA-Seq data. rsem-<version>
Samtools 0.1.19 Provides various utilities for manipulating alignments in the SAM format including sorting merging indexing and generating alignments in a per-position format Samtools-<version>
SNAP 0.1.19 A new sequence aligner that is 3-20x faster and just as accurate as existing tools like BWA-mem Bowtie2 and Novoalign SNAP/<version>
Trim-fastq 1.2.2 A Fastq quality trimmer. Trim-fastq-<version>
Trinity r20140717 a novel method for the efficient and robust de novo reconstruction of transcriptomes from RNA-seq data. Trinity